6.1. Exercises#

Many of these exercises are taken from past exams of ECE 244 Programming Fundamentals courses at University of Toronto. The solutions are provided in the answer boxes.

Headings in this page classify the exercises into different categories: [Easy], [Intermediate], and [Challenging]. I suggest you start by easy exercises and work your way up to the challenging ones.

Question 5 in Fall 2019 Midterm Exam [Easy]

Consider a (non-member) function called doIt, which takes a single object of type DayOfYear and returns a single object also of type DayOfYear. You may assume that the class DayOfYear is correctly implemented and that DayOfYear.h is included. Which of the following implementations of this function is problem-free?

  1. DayOfYear doIt(DayOfYear& arg) {
      DayOfYear temp;
      temp = arg;
      return (arg);
  2. DayOfYear doIt(DayOfYear& arg) {
      DayOfYear temp;
      temp = arg;
      return (temp);
  3. DayOfYear& doIt(DayOfYear& arg) {
      DayOfYear temp;
      temp = arg;
      return (*this);
  4. DayOfYear& doIt(DayOfYear& arg) {
      DayOfYear temp;
      temp = arg;
      return (temp);

Question 5 in Fall 2019 Final Exam [Intermediate]

Consider the following class definition and implementation.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Duo {
  int* p;
  int* q;

  Duo(int a, int b) {
    p = new int;
    *p = a;
    q = new int;
    *q = b;
  int get_a() { return *p; }
  int get_b() { return *q; }
  void set_a(int a) { *p = a; }
  void set_b(int b) { *q = b; }
  Duo funnyMultiply(Duo& rhs) {
    Duo temp(0, 0);
    *(temp.p) = (*p) * *(rhs.p);
    *(temp.q) = (*q) * *(rhs.q);
    *(rhs.p) = *(rhs.p) - 1;
    *(rhs.q) = *(rhs.q) - 1;
    return (temp);
  Duo print() {
    cout << *p << " " << *q << endl;
    return (*this);

The following main program uses class Duo.

int main() {
  Duo X(3, 5);
  Duo Y(8, 9);
  Duo Z(2, 4);
  Z = X.funnyMultiply(Y);
  Z.print();  // Statement 1
  Z.print();  // Statement 2
  X.print();  // Statement 3
  Y.print();  // Statement 4
  Duo W(6, 12);
  Duo V(2, 3);
  W.print().funnyMultiply(V).print();  // Statement 5
  W.print();                           // Statement 6
  // Point A
  cout << "Program is done" << endl;
  return (0);
  1. Write the output produced by each of the labeled statement (Statement 1 to Statement 6) in main. Write your answer in the table below.



    Statement 1

    Statement 2

    Statement 3

    Statement 4

    Statement 5

    Statement 6

  2. How many integers exist in memory in the form of a memory leak when execution reaches Point A in the main function above? Write your answer in the box below.

In progress!