1.3. Functions#

A function is a sequence of instructions that can be called by its name multiple times in a program.

All code must have at least one function, i.e. the main function. This main function is the entry point of the program, or the first function that is called when the program is executed.

Functions allow you (the programmer) to divide your code into pieces and reuse code instead of repeating it. Most importantly, functions allow you to write code that is easier to debug and maintain.

1.3.1. n choose k example#

Consider the problem of calculating the number of ways to choose 2 cards from a set of 5 cards, or k elements from a set of n elements. This is a common problem in combinatorics and is often written as n choose k. The formula for n choose k is

\(\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}\),

where n! is the factorial of n. The factorial of n can be calculated as n = n * (n - 1) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1. For example, 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120.

We want to write a program that takes in the values of n and k and calculates the number of ways to choose k elements from n elements. Since there are multiple steps in the calculation, we can divide the program into two main functions: one function to calculate the factorial of a number and another function to calculate n choose k. Defining a function#

To define a function, you must specify the input parameters, the return type, and the function body. The general syntax of a function is as follows:

return_type function_name(parameter_list) {
    // function body

For example, the following function finds the factorial of a number:

The anatomy of a function that calculates the factorial of a number

Fig. 1.4 The anatomy of a function that calculates the factorial of a number.#

To use the function in a program, you must call the function. The general syntax of a function call requires the function name and the input values. For example, to call the factorial function, you would write factorial(n) to calculate the factorial of a number stored in n as shown below in line 15.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { result *= i; } return result; } int main(void) { int n; cout << "Enter a positive integer: "; cin >> n; cout << "The factorial of " << n << " is " << factorial(n) << endl; return 0; } Multiple parameters#

To calculate n choose k, we need to define another function that takes in two parameters: n and k. The function should call the factorial function to calculate \(\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}\). The function will return the number of ways to choose k elements from n elements. The function signature is as follows:

int nChooseK(int n, int k) {
  return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k));

It is important to note that when calling the nChooseK function, you must pass in the values of n and k in their respective order as arguments.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { result *= i; } return result; }
int nChooseK(int n, int k) { return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k)); }
int main(void) { int n, k; cout << "Enter the value of n: " << endl; cin >> n; cout << "Enter the value of k: " << endl; cin >> k; cout << "The number of ways to choose " << k; cout << " from " << n << " is "; cout << nChooseK(n, k) << endl; return 0; } Function prototypes#

When the compiler compiles a program, it reads the code from top to bottom. If it observes a function call before the function definition, it will raise an error.

In the previous example, the factorial function was defined first, followed by the nChooseK function, and then the main function, because factorial function was called in nChooseK, and nChooseK was called in main. Functions cannot be called before they are defined.

Determining the order of function definitions can be sometimes challenging. For example, if function a calls function b, and in turn function b calls function a, the order of function definitions before the main function cannot be determined.

To solve this issue, you can define the function prototypes before the main function to inform the compiler about the function signature. This way you can call functions in the main before implementing them. Then, later after the main function, you implement all the functions defined before the main function. It is a good practice to always define function prototypes before the main function.

A function prototype is a declaration of the function that includes the function name, return type, and input parameter list. The general syntax of a function prototype is as follows:

return_type function_name(input_parameter_list);

To rewrite the code in the previous example using function prototypes, you would define the factorial and nChooseK function prototypes before the main function and implement them after the main function as shown below:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function Prototypes int factorial(int n); int nChooseK(int n, int k); // Main Function int main(void) { int n, k; cout << "Enter the value of n: " << endl; cin >> n; cout << "Enter the value of k: " << endl; cin >> k; cout << "The number of ways to choose " << k; cout << " from " << n << " is "; cout << nChooseK(n, k) << endl; return 0; } // Function Implementations int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { result *= i; } return result; } int nChooseK(int n, int k) { return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k)); }

In this case, the order of function prototypes and function definitions does not matter. The compiler will know the function signature and will not raise any errors.

1.3.2. Pass-by-value#

When passing the input parameter n to the factorial function, the function creates a local version of n that is separate from the n in the calling function. This is known as pass-by-value. In pass-by-value, the value of n in the main function is passed to the value of the local variable n in the factorial function. Any changes made to the n inside the factorial function do not affect the original parameter in the calling function. This is because changes are made to the local version of n in the factorial function.

In the following image, we visualize what happens in the main memory when n is passed to the factorial function. When the factorial function is called:

  1. a memory frame that stores the local variables of factorial, such as n and result, is created

  2. the changes in the local n and result of factorial will not affect any variables elsewhere

When the factorial function returns, the memory frame that stores the local variables of factorial is removed from the main memory.

Local version of n in the factorial function

Fig. 1.5 There is a local version of n in the factorial function in the main memory.#

1.3.3. Problem with Pass-By-Value#

The main issue with pass-by-value is that its not always applicable to all cases. For example, if we were to write a function that takes in as input two variables and swaps their values, we would not be able to do so using pass-by-value.

For example, the following code snippet attempts to swap the values of two variables a and b using pass-by-value but fails to do so as the value of a and b in the main function remains unchanged.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swapByValue(int a, int b);
int main(void) { int a = 5, b = 10; cout << "Before swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; swapByValue(a, b); cout << "After swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; return 0; }
void swapByValue(int a, int b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }
Pass by value

Fig. 1.6 a and b are passed by value to the swapByValue function.#

Swap local variables

Fig. 1.7 Swap the local variables a and b in the swapByValue function.#

Return to main function

Fig. 1.8 After returning to the main function, the values of a and b remain unchanged as changes happened in the local variables in the swapByValue frame.#

In short, we cannot use pass-by-value when we expect the changes made to the input parameters to be reflected in the main function. Instead, we can use either pass-by-reference or pass-by-pointer. Pass-By-Pointer#

We want to ensure variables in the calling function are changed in the caller function. Instead of passing the values of the variables, we need to pass the addresses of the variables. This way, the function can access the memory locations of the variables and change their values directly. This is known as pass-by-pointer.

Back to the swapping problem, instead of passing the values of a and b to the swapByValue function, we need to pass the address of a and b to the function. The function will then swap the values of a and b using the addresses of a and b.

Pointers Recap

To pass the address of a variable to a function, you must use a pointer. A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable.

A pointer is declared by adding an asterisk * after the data type. For example, to declare a pointer to an integer, you would write int *ptr;. The pointer ptr can store the memory address of an integer variable.

Get an address of a variable. To get an address of a variable, you use the reference operator & before the variable name. For example, in the following code the variable ptr is storing the address of the variable a. We get the address of a by writing &a.

int a;
int* ptr = &a;

Get the value of a variable at an address. To access the value stored at the memory address stored in a pointer, you use the dereference operator * before the pointer name. For example, to access the value stored at the memory address stored in ptr, you would write *ptr.

In Fig. 1.9, we declare a pointer ptr and set it’s value to the memory address of the variable a: ptr = &a.

Then, we dereference ptr to access the value of a and change it to 10. In *ptr = 10;, *ptr is equivalent to *(&a). As we dereference the address of a, we can change the value of a to 10.

Then, in b = *ptr we change the value of b to a. We access a through *ptr and assign it to b by writing b = *ptr. This is equivalent to b = a.

Return to main function

Fig. 1.9 The pointer ptr stores the memory address of the variable a by setting ptr = &a. The value stored at the memory address stored in ptr is accessed by *ptr. We can change the value in a by dereferencing ptr using *ptr = 10. Also, we can change the value in b by assigning a to it through dereferencing ptr: *ptr.#

The following code fixes the swap function to ensure the values of a and b are swapped using pass-by-pointer.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swapByPointers(int* pa, int* pb);
int main(void) { int a = 5, b = 10; cout << "Before swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; swapByPointers(&a, &b); cout << "After swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; return 0; }
void swapByPointers(int* pa, int* pb) { int temp = *pa; *pa = *pb; *pb = temp; }

[Line 4] To pass the addresses of integers a and b to the swap function, we need to change the function prototype to accept pointers to integers. The function signature should be void swapByPointers(int* pa, int* pb);. The * operator is used after the data type to declare a pointer to an integer.

[Line 9] When the function is called, we pass the address of a and b by calling the function swapByPointers(&a, &b);. The & operator is used before a and b to get their addresses.

[Line 14] The function then receives the address of a into pa and the address of b into pb.

[Line 15 to 17] In the function, we dereference the pointer pa to get access to a and pb to get access to b in the main function. We then swap the values of a and b by assigning *pb to *pa and *pa to *pb.

Pass by pointer

Fig. 1.10 a and b are passed by pointer to the swapByPointers function.#

addresses of a and b are used to swap

Fig. 1.11 The addresses of a and b are used to change their values in the main function. a is accessed by dereferencing pa and b is accessed by dereferencing pb.#

Return from main function after swap by pointers

Fig. 1.12 When the a and b are swapped in the swapByPointers function, the changes are reflected in the main function.# Pass-By-Reference#

Pass-by-pointer can be error prone and complex as the programmer has to take care of the syntax of * and & operators. To simplify the process, C++ provides a feature called pass-by-reference.

What is a reference? In C++, a reference is an alias, an alternate identifier/name, for another variable. For example, in the following code, a is an integer. We create a reference to a by writing int& ra = a;, where the type of ra is int&. Any changes made to ra will affect a and vice versa.

int a = 5;
int& ra = a;

In the following code example, ra is a reference to the variable a. We use ra to change the value of a to 10. The value of a is then printed to the console.

Then, we use ra to change the value of a to b. Note that ra = b does not reassign ra to refer to b. Once ra was declared to refer to a, it will never refer to any other variable.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void) { int a = 5, b = 12; int& ra = a; // ra is a reference to a cout << "Point 1: ra = " << ra << ", a = " << a << endl; ra = 10; // changes the value of a to 10 cout << "Point 2: ra = " << ra << ", a = " << a << endl; ra = b; // changes the value of a to b cout << "Point 3: ra = " << ra << ", a = " << a << endl; return 0; }

A few important notes on references:

  1. A reference must be initialized when it is declared. For example, we cannot do int& ra; as we must declare and initialize ra at the same time.

  2. A reference cannot be reassigned to another variable. Once a reference is assigned to a variable, it cannot be reassigned to another variable. For example, int& ra = a; means ra is a reference to a. We cannot change ra to be a reference to another variable b.

  3. A reference is not a separate variable. It does not have a separate memory location. It is only an alias to another variable.

  4. Don’t confuse references with pointers. References are not pointers. They are aliases to variables. The operators * and & are not used with references. The type of a reference is the same as the type of the variable it refers to. We only add & after the type to declare a reference.

How can we use references to avoid the syntax-heavy pass-by-pointers? To functions, we can pass references to variables and change the values of variables. For example, in the swap function, instead of passing the addresses of a and b, we can pass references to a and b.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swapByRef(int& ra, int& rb);
int main(void) { int a = 5, b = 10; cout << "Before swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; swapByRef(a, b); cout << "After swapping: " << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; return 0; }
void swapByRef(int& ra, int& rb) { int temp = ra; ra = rb; rb = temp; }

[Line 4] We change the function prototype to accept references to integers. The function signature should be void swapByValue(int& ra, int& rb);. The & operator is used after the data type to declare a reference to an integer.

[Line 9] When the function is called, we pass a and b to set the reference ra to a and rb to b.

[Line 14 to 17] The function then sets the reference ra to a and rb to b. In the function, ra and rb are used to access the values of a and b in the main function. We then swap the values of a and b by assigning ra to rb and rb to ra.

1.3.4. Reference vs. Pointer#

References and pointers maybe confused with each other as they both allow you to access the memory address of a variable. However, there are some key differences between references and pointers:

  1. Reference is safer than a pointer. A reference cannot be NULL and must be initialized when declared. A pointer can be NULL and can point to any memory location. Dereferencing a NULL pointer can cause a segmentation fault.

  2. References do not have separate memory locations. They are aliases to variables. Pointers have separate memory locations and store the memory address of another variable.

  3. A reference cannot be reassigned to another variable. Once a reference is assigned to a variable, it cannot be reassigned to another variable. A pointer can be reassigned to another memory location.